Sunday 31 December 2017


I'm such a basic blogger because the only post you can ever count on coming from me is a wrap up at New Years. Even though I have two essays due for my MA, 19 days in which to write them and 0 words written so far. Oops. Get back to me with a guilt trip tomorrow please. 

Wednesday 20 December 2017


I've seen a few of my fave youtubers posting these lists recently and I'm all for lists and goals so here we go, welcome to the 30 things I want to achieve before I'm 30. At 23 and a bit I think I'm leaving myself a decent amount of time; I have 349 weeks to achieve them so wish me luck and also help me if you can lol. I imagine these will change in their level of importance as I get older but having them written down will also show my growth so that's cool too. Yay for goals.

Tuesday 10 October 2017


Today is world mental health day and my timelines have been flooded with posts about it and advice and I thought I'd give you some of my tried and tested methods. As you should all know by now (cos I never stop bloody saying so), my brain doesn't always work properly and I have some chemicals missing and I suffer a bit from depression and anxiety. It's a bummer. Some days I fall into a pit of misery and despair and can't bring myself to do anything. And some days I fall into a pit of misery and despair and remember these tips and it helps a little bit.

Sunday 17 September 2017


First of all I have to say a massive thank you for the response to my last post about being ghosted by a guy on tinder - I really didn't expect it to do so well and so the fact it's become my second most viewed post so far is amazing. Your supportive comments were so appreciated. Just to clarify, I waited a while before publishing that post so I wasn't as like... broken as it seemed. I waited until I had processed everything and was ready so don't worry, I'm totally fine! Anyway, on to today's slice of fun. 

There are people who don't deal well with change, but I'm not one of them. Okay, yeah, I need routine to function properly and changes can disrupt that somewhat but I seem to cope quite well with big life changes - I took myself off to university in Norwich, and then Spain, and back to Norwich again. I finished university and moved to Lanzarote to start a job in nothing I'd ever done before. I decided to apply for a masters degree, not as the easier option of my old university where I had an unconditional offer and guaranteed fee discount, but at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. I'm not afraid of either the challenge or the changes that come with doing something new. It's something that actually makes me really proud of myself, because I was never that person when I was younger, and to be fair, doesn't make a lot of sense with who I am now.

Sunday 10 September 2017


Like most single people in their early twenties, I have profiles on dating apps. I tend to go between Tinder and OKCupid but to be honest I haven't had a whole lot of success with either of them for a number of reasons - my heart wasn't in it, the distance between us was too far, haven't properly clicked with people, stuff like that. This is a story of what was almost a success but what inevitably turned to shit. I was ghosted by a Tinder boy, it messed with my head and so I'm dealing with it the way I always do - turning to today's cheapest form of therapy - blogging about it.

Friday 28 July 2017


Hi pals. I have missed blogging but ya gal is so busy that life just catches up on you and then you're almost eight months into the year and WHAT IS TIME?!
I keep a little list of all the blog posts I want to write and genuinely have the best intentions to write them but having a nap is way easier than trying to formulate articulate and interesting blog posts. HOWEVER, you're in luck because I got back off me holidays today and 8pm isn't really a good time for me to be going to bed so I've got the laptop out and shall be tippy tapping until the cows come home. The last time we spoke was after the horrendous attacks in Manchester, just before I finished my year working in Lanzarote.

Tuesday 23 May 2017


There are some events that affect you more than others.

Last night, a suicide bomber attacked a concert venue in Manchester. 
Just after Ariana Grande finished her set, fans were subjected to the worst end to a night. 22 and counting lost their lives. The first named are just kids. Many are injured or missing. My social media feeds are filled with support, love, prayers, thoughts. I've seen so many offers of help and solidarity. The outpouring of raw emotion, whether that be anger in what's happened, pride in a city that's come together in support, or sympathy for those involved, has overtaken most people's feeds, and thoughts, today.

Sunday 30 April 2017


Hi pals, me again.
Just wanted to say thank you for the phenomenal response to my last post, it's since become one of my most read ever which is so lovely.
Today I'm just writing a little catch up on the resolutions I made at new year. We're now 1/3 of the way through 2017 which blows my tiny mind so it seemed like the perfect time to check in and see how well I may or may not be doing with them. Let's gooooooo

Friday 28 April 2017


Enthralling title I know, very short and snappy. Soz pals. Anyway, I've seen this floating around a few blogs that I read so I thought it might be nice to have another lil list post but have this one all about me. Even though most of the people that read this know me in real life and therefore probably know most of these "facts" (lol #pretentious). Whatever. It's nice even just for me to list all sorts of stuff about me because I'm great and love all the things that make me, me. Let's get on with it, eh? 

Saturday 22 April 2017


Hello friends, we meet again. Lol, poet.
Essentially what I'm writing today is a mini wrap up of what I've read so far this year and highlighting my faves as recommendations to you all, cos nobody hates a book recommendation, do they?

Friday 7 April 2017


Hola guapis
Once again, it's been a while, hasn't it? I have no excuses, I work 16 hours a week and still never find any time for blogging. It's such a shame because I enjoy it so much but there's always a book to read or a siesta to be taken or a pool to lounge around.