The first thing we did was a search for Nando's. God I love Nando's. (I wish this post were sponsored by Nando's but alas, it isn't.) I hadn't been since May and oh lord it was so good. The only picture I took was for snapchat but since I always get the same order let's just have one I took in like October.

It was so nice to just sit over one of our fave meals and to chat and catch up and just oh soooo lush I loved it.
Then we headed in to town, aiming for the Shambles and only finding it two hours later! My pal Jess spotted me in a shop so came to have a chat which was lovely, it had been so long! Beth and I did quite a bit of shopping, both for birthday gifts for a certain pal of ours whose birthday is coming up, and for ourselves. The gifts we bought are a bit ridiculous but I'll wait til the giving of them to let you know if they go down well. Here's a little photo of what I bought! #haul #lol #whoevenhashtags
I bought fudge from the fudge kitchen because it's phenomenal. I definitely recommend it. I also bought a punnet of strawberries from a market which are beautiful. Also in the market I found a copy of 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt for just £2! I'd heard such good things about this book but I couldn't find a torrent for the ebook version, so when I saw this for such a low price I had to have it! From Boots I got two witch hazel blemish sticks (which I swear by, they are great for acne-prone skin), and a tea tree face mask which I just used and has made my skin feel very nice. The most exciting thing I got was the BLEACH LONDON Rosé wash in dye. It's meant to last 2-10 washes and I'm going to dip dye the ends, inspired by Sprinkle of Glitter and this blog post by Jayde! I'll be doing this tomorrow and will no doubt post about the experience and whether it works or not.
Insert here all the lovely touristy photos I took of the beautiful York.

There are multiple yellow bicycles in York. I have no idea why! Also there was a little falconry display in the museum gardens and I snapped a photo of the tiniest little owl! So cute.
I love being out in the north. Everyone is chatty and nice and friendly and so different to the south. GAN ON THE NORTH. Except York is fake north because it's Yorkshire but whatever. One day I'll get Beth to Northumberland aka the nicest county ever.
Until next time, hasta luego.
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We spent a lovely day wandering and sight-seeing and shopping and chatting about all sorts of rubbish. The best friendships are the ones that can pick up again without having seen each other for months and that's why I know going to Spain will be fine because I have pals waiting on the other end.

There are multiple yellow bicycles in York. I have no idea why! Also there was a little falconry display in the museum gardens and I snapped a photo of the tiniest little owl! So cute.
I love being out in the north. Everyone is chatty and nice and friendly and so different to the south. GAN ON THE NORTH. Except York is fake north because it's Yorkshire but whatever. One day I'll get Beth to Northumberland aka the nicest county ever.
Until next time, hasta luego.
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