In peak millennial fashion, I'm going to be using my instagram to figure out what the hell was going on because my memory is that of a goldfish's sieve.
In January little Monty was allowed to go out for walks, I was still working in the PPI office and I had a few essays due in for my MA. It was bloody freezing and I was beginning to spiral I think. I wasn't coping very well with working full time in the Christmas holidays, writing thousands of words and taking care of a very needy and small puppy who was not yet toilet trained. That being said, I still had some excellent days, including taking my pals Coley Fan and Geordie Han to a formal dinner at my wankery Hatfield College where everything is too posh for three northern lasses. I also went on our work's night out (before I left, boooo) and got to cuddle little angel face Ellie whilst getting too drunk in Pitcher & Piano on the Quayside. Beaut.

February was the month I quit my job despite major financial issues because I just couldn't do it anymore. I was in a bad bad bad pit of despair and booked counselling through Durham's pretty excellent service. There were many coffee-less coffee dates with Coley Fen in Durham and a night out with my home gals and Tommy which was actually a Chinese and leaving spoons at 11pm because we couldn't face it loooool. MATeS went to Chad's College formal and I was lucky not to have frostbite after walking through Durham barefoot in the Beast from the East snowstorm after my shoes broke. I was then almost trapped in Durham because the trains weren't running but I managed to escape and then didn't leave the house for four days because we were snowed in.

March was the month where everything seemed to be looking up. Therapy was going well, I was chatting to a nice boy from a ridiculous dating app (what's new there) and I'd just had a student loans payment through. Winning. Hannah, Paige and I spent St Patrick's Day in Manchester watching Niall Horan and drinking too much at Revolución de Cuba. Tequila was not a good idea. We trashed our hotel room within hours and I will never forget Hannah's drunken demands for garlic sauce... and subsequent drunken demands for the removal of said garlic sauce. However she did then have the genius idea to wait our hangover out in the cinema - a dark room with a shit film, comfy seats and horrendously expensive food was way better than sitting in the Arndale or the train station. At the end of the month I took myself off for a week of sea, sunshine and relaxation in Lanzarote.

April was the month of change. The lasses had another trip to watch an ex-One Direction boy sing, this time to Glasgow to see the majestic Mr Styles. The weekend after that I went to Oxford to visit aforementioned dating app boy. No, not the one you're thinking of. Long story short, I went to see a boy, got on Tinder whilst there and found another one. Oops. The second has turned out to be the love of my life though so I think it's allowed. I matched with Simon on April 22nd and since then my life has never been the same. He drove up to see me the next weekend, which is also when my parents brought home Monty's littermate and adorable sister, Ava, who we adopted after she had a rough start with her first family. A weekend full of new family members and love and cuddles and honestly one of the best 72 hour periods I've ever had. April was bloody brilliant.

I was a very happy little bunny in May. Obviously. I'd fallen in love with a magical boy and everything was wonderful. All academic work was translation and then my exam, for which I was super ill and even considered not going to because I couldn't face the trek into Durham. It all went well though and didn't die. I did, however, get an Uber from the Languages building to the train station because I deserved not to hike up the hill. I was discharged from therapy, a truly life changing experience and one I am so glad I was finally brave enough to finally do. I spent the May bank holiday weekend in Bicester with Simon and extended my stay because I couldn't bear to leave. This was also when I made him ask me to be his girlfriend. Hehehehe. I'm terrible. He had originally said he wanted to wait til the third date but when you have 6 hour FaceTime dates almost every night, I'm pretty sure we were ready.

June was the month of the death translation. One of my modules was called 'Translation Work Placement' and I ended up doing a translation along with my friend Kay about some Spanish artists from many years ago and it was truly awful and I was frustrated the entire way through. Honestly it was just awful. In happier events though, Simon and I met in the middle of the country to have a weekend at my best friend Hollie's house which was just wonderful. There was lots of alcohol and an excellent bbq and sunshine and I loved it. MATeS went to another formal, this time at Grey College and we looked absolutely adorable. Props to Han for being social sec and making it a wonderful night. In June one of my lecturers took us on a day trip around the North East as part of aforementioned module and it was such a weird day but equally one of the highlights of my MA.

All I remember of July, before I delve into my insta, is that it was the month I struggled with long distance. Between our trip to Liverpool and our reunion at the end of the month, Si and I spent 7 weeks apart and I went a bit mad by the end. LDRs are hard.
In July I found out that I'd got my job back at CEIP Ajei which was just the best news. Despite heavily stating in my application that that's where I wanted to be, there was still a chance they would put me in any school on any of the Canary Islands so I was very lucky to get back where I wanted. We had glorious weather and for about a week, football was coming home. Simon turned 24 and I loved it because for 6 weeks, he was older than me and I got to make jokes about him being elderly. By the end of the month I was back by his side and ready to spend three whole weeks in his company.

August was the best month because I spent it in Bicester. Now, being in a long distance relationship means that when you're together it's for a short time and everything you do is romantic and lovely and exciting. This time we got to just live a normal life and be in domestic bliss and have trips to Ikea and Sainsbury's and argue over who was making dinner (it was always me). We had some wonderful nights out and some excellent nights in and explored. We went to Birdland and saw the penguins which was super cute. Whilst there I got to go to London and finally see one of my besties Georgia after two years apart. Leaving was bloody hard and I sobbed for about two hours on the megabus. The end of August was dedicated to finishing my final translation project for my MA and messaging MATeS asking for vodka. We spent one evening in Stack in Newcastle and I had a shot of 75.5% proof rum and it was an error. I turned 24 and went super blonde and I just loved August.

In September I finally handed in my MA dissertation and my life in education was over (supposing I never go back and do a PhD) and I felt a bit lost. I wrote some blog posts on here that I was really proud of, particularly about being plus size. To be fair though, I spent most of the month waiting around until it was time for me to move back to Lanzarote. Simon came up for a weekend in Northumberland and we did no sight-seeing because it was raining. So we ended up in a pub. Oops. Also in September I achieved a lifetime goal of seeing Shania Twain live which was just amazing. And then it was time to fly back out to paradise.

October was all about starting back at school and being reunited with and meeting my smalls. I also had a lovely day meeting the other language assistants who are majority American so we had fun translating English/American/Australian words and phrases. I celebrated World Mental Health Day which is a bloody excellent day and so necessary to take stock and think about yourself and how your brain is doing. I struggled once again with distance but I think this is just always going to be a thing that I hate and it's okay because we've got like, six/seven months left and I will be okay. I dressed up for Halloween and hated every second because I'm just not a fancy dress gal but the kids loved that I had whiskers on my face and that's all that matters.

Simon should have visited in November but because of work reasons, he couldn't and had to reschedule, so I was sad. My parents surprised us and visited, however, and we had a lovely day in Playa Blanca with my stepbrother and his family which was lovely. I got to teach the kids some Geordie vocabulary which is always my favourite thing. I found out that I'd passed my MA with a merit which like, yeah, it was slightly disappointing. I have achieved highly throughout my academic career and was aiming for a distinction and to be fair was only 2% away so it's okay. I'm super proud of myself for finishing the bloody thing so yay woo me. I began my Christmas crafts and Lanzarote started decorating for Christmas which is the most fun, I love when all the lights come out. By the end of the month, though, I was just waiting for my love to arrive. We did 3 months apart and that's just too many.

Welcome to the best month of the whole year. That first week I was just the happiest I have ever been because I was in my favourite place in the world with my favourite person doing my ridiculous job in wonderful weather and it was just lovely. We went to all my favourite restaurants and to the beach and the pool and the rooftop cinema and just ugh it's soppy and disgusting and vomit inducing but I am so in love with my lovely boy and could just cry.
And then he left and I was living alone and I realised I'd missed my medication for a week/10 days ish and posted on here about how I'd buggered my brain but now we're okay. Christmas at school is always the best and I performed a Spanish song with year 4 and an English song with year 6 and year 1 and a Spanish song with the other teachers and the Christmas concert day is just pure madness and I loved every second. I handed out my Christmas cards which was a collection of joy and glitter. Then I got to come home to my lovely fam and puppy babies. Ava has just been spayed and looked adorable in her inflatable cone of shame. We went to the panto at Newcastle's Theatre Royal which is always a treat. I was treated to many lovely things including a set of Geordie pencils. I've wanted these for 5 years but could never justify £5 for pencils so receiving them at Christmas was lovely. And then I received them again. And again. Turns out my family members all have the same brain. As I write this it is December 28th and I am preparing for heading to Bicester for New Year with wor lad, can't bluddy wait guys.

So, that's it pals. 2018 is over, ish.
I have had the best year. But the best year. I know it's cliché but guys I fell in love this year and it has changed everything and now I understand all the songs and the books and the movies and just, waaaaah.
Also uni was great, pals were great, fam were excellent, my job is crazy. The universe has treated me so well and I am so very grateful.
Talk to me about your years please. I love posts like these. Also go check out my goals post because those are my FAVOURITE things to read ever.
All the love, chicos
KB x
Happy New Year Katy! :D I love reading your blog especially since I can relate in a lot of things. I wish you all the best in 2019!