Our Study Abroad office just sent me another four to fill out - an arrival form, a departure form, an address form and (the most exciting) the ERASMUS+ Grant Bank form. They're all pretty straightforward which is a godsend after the nightmare of some of the others. I have a Spanish one to fill out for on campus insurance but I'm waiting a while to do that. My brain is not in the mood for a Spanish form right now.
I just filled out the Grant form which means I get money woooo. Along with my student finance (which has increased since I'm going abroad, yey!) ERASMUS will be giving me €350 (I think) per month I'm there, but then I get an extra €100 (I think) per month since my home maintenance isn't much. WHICH IS FAB. I also get a fraction of my UEA maintenance bursary since I'm only paying a fraction of UEA fees but still, better than nothing!
Listen, poor people. Don't think that uni isn't an option because you're poor. The government give more to poor people. It's very nice.Anyway, this year is going to be a lot better for me financially (I think) because I get extra money but I'm paying less rent. Maybe they're plying my homesickness with money. Works for me!
The other three forms are simple enough. I'll fill in the address one when I actually know our address! Even though I pretty much know where we'll be living and I've seen photos I don't actually have an address but I will in less than five weeks. EEEEEE. The arrival form needs to be signed by some Alicante people but that should be simple enough since I bet they spend half their lives signing forms! Hopefully they'll be more willing to sign it in person than the many emails I sent them trying to sign my learning agreement. As for the departure form, they've given that a bit in advance! I don't even want to think about leaving yet. That one needs to be in by 19/6/2015. UGH. Don't wanna come home.
Gonna have to buy a printer with a scanner. I hope they make those in Spain and they sell them for cheap on ebay! Otherwise I'll be posting forms back to the UK and ain't nobody got time for that. I have little to no faith in the UK postal system never mind the Spanish one.
I bet there are 7456439 more forms to come. I'll keep you updated. Until next time, hasta luego.
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