Friday, 25 July 2014


No, not that kind of coke. If you know me you'll know I'm not really an alcohol drinker but I have always loved Coca Cola. How much I drank it was okay until I went to uni and had total freedom and had nobody to stop me. So I usually had at least one bottle a day. That's at least £1 a day! At the shop on my uni campus it was actually cheaper to buy the 1.25 litre bottle rather than the standard (500ml? I don't know) bottle. It meant I used to go through coke like my flatmates went through Tesco everyday value vodka. 

I tried quitting so many times in first year and it usually lasted a few days, maybe a week if I was feeling particularly strong willed. So we get into second year and I'm buying even more coke. I was also buying loads of other things so my cash flow was dwindling and you know what I spent my last pennies (actual pennies that I poured into the Tesco self-service till) on? A can of coke. Totally ridiculous. So on New Years' Eve I made a decision that my resolution for 2014 would be to give up coke for the entire year. It was a very off-the-cuff decision and it wasn't planned so I didn't really have a LAST coke, knowing it would be my last.

This year has been soooo difficult. That first week especially, I got cravings so bad. My main problem is that I don't really like any other drinks so all I drink is water. But it got easier and every so often I would hit a milestone. One week. Two weeks. A month. Two months. A quarter of a year. 100 days. A third of a year. Six months. 200 days.

Today is day 206. I have an app which sends me a reminder at 8pm everyday asking whether I've had a coke free day, and once again, I have! It's so tempting to give in but now I've gone over half way and there's only 159 days to go I think I'd consider myself pathetic forever if I gave in for just a silly drink. It's really hard going to Nando's because they have refillable coke. But it means I get water and I save £2.35. When I went on holiday to Lanzarote in June all I wanted on those hot afternoons was a pint of coke full of ice but I resisted and ended up drinking Malibu and lemonade instead - this whole challenge has led to me finding an alcoholic drink that doesn't taste like poison! Positives everywhere.

I wish I knew how much money I'd saved doing this. Mind, my sugar cravings are through the roof so I just ended up buying more sweets in Tesco when I was living in Norwich. However now I'm home I'm kind of on a health kick so it's better I suppose. I should mention I've given up anything with a cola flavour so I'm not allowed Diet Coke or Coke Zero or Pepsi or Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max (not that I even like them) or even cola bottles in a bag of Haribo. I've been so disciplined with myself. I'm very proud of my achievement so far but I'm really scared that when I allow myself a drink of coke on the first of January 2015 I will hate the taste of it and I will have wasted a year of my life on cravings and destroyed something I used to love too much. Is that a bad way of thinking? 

Hopefully it's really expensive in Alicante and I won't drink any! Haha no chance. I really hope I don't go back to my old ways but I'll be pleased if I actually stick it out until the end of the year! It'll be the first time I actually accomplish a new years' resolution so it'll prove I can do it next year and the year after!

This is today and later on I will click the 25 and be at 206. This is the link to the app on the apple store if you're interested or just search 'don't break the chain'. I hope it helps any of you who want to give/take something up! It's definitely helped me in my motivation.

Until next time, hasta luego.

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