These aren't really in order purely because it's so hard to pick a favourite film!
Everyone's favourite film. Literally. This is the best rated film on IMDB and there's a reason for that. If you haven't seen it then go. RIGHT NOW. Why are you even reading my blog if you haven't seen this film. I'm not even going to write anything about it; the first time I saw it I had no idea what it was about and it was magical. I JUST LOVE IT OKAY. This probably is my number one, forever and always.
Another classic and a film I've never known anyone to dislike. The film that stole all of the awards from Shawshank! Crazy that both of these films came out in the same year - Tom Hanks was offered the lead role in Shawshank but turned it down to play Forrest. Shawshank went straight to video whilst Forrest Gump got all the Oscars. Let's just say 1994 was a great year for film. This film is such a classic and I think Tom Hanks at his best. It makes me laugh and cry every time and I will watch it whenever I see it on TV.
NUMBER THREE - L'AUBERGE ESPAGNOLE (The Spanish Apartment/Pot Luck)
A bit of a difference from the last two! This is my absolute favourite French film and pretty much the reason I'm going to Spain in September. It's the story of Xavier, a French student who takes an ERASMUS year in Barcelona, and lives in a flat with lots of other exchange students, of varying nationalities. I feel like this is essential viewing for anyone about to go on a year abroad, and also anyone ever because it's such a good film. Also if you enjoy it, it's actually the first in a trilogy! The second, Les Poupées Russes (Russian Dolls) follows Xavier five years later and then Casse-tête Chinois (Chinese Puzzle) released just last year ends Xavier's story ten years later. I love Casse-tête Chinois so much it almost ended up in this list. Don't be put off because it's French! Quite a lot of the dialogue is in English or Spanish in the first one. I feel like I will watch this film a lot the week before I move to Spain.
Again, another difference. It might be a film aimed at kids but I love it. Jack Black plus rock music plus funny kids? Classic. I can quote this entire film, and usually do when I watch with my brother. This is OUR film (I think most siblings have THEIR film, don't they?) and whenever I hear a quotation from it I always think of him. Or when I see a photo of Fancy Pants.
Tom Hanks is back! He is my favourite actor so it's not really a surprise his films made it on here more than once! The first time I saw this I sobbed like a baby. It's such a wonderful, magical film that's both incredibly sad but uplifting. It's another one set in a prison, which seems to be one of my favourite themes in media - I love Orange is the New Black but that's for a different post - because it explores characters that aren't usually seen. I just feel like this is one of the films everyone should see.
Another French film! I always thought the English translation of the title was weird but never mind. This is based on a true story, of a paraplegic millionaire and his new caretaker and the friendship that blossoms between them. It explores their relationship so beautifully and again I like that it's something not seen in usual media. I think Omar Sy is brilliant and would watch for him alone, he's so funny. The film is scored by Ludovico Einaudi, who is my favourite classical artist. If you recognise the name, it's because a few years back Greg James got his song I Giorni (which is gorgeous) into the charts because he used to have it in his revision playlist. Amazing. Along with Einaudi, the soundtrack features multiple Earth, Wind and Fire tracks which just adds to my love of this film. I just think it's beautiful. Again, don't be put off because it's French. I watched it twice in one day and the second time my brother sat with me. The next day I moved to Norwich and he stayed at home and watched this film again. He hates anything to do with France so for him to sit through an entire film in a language he doesn't understand I think proves how good it is. Just go watch it.
Another kids film, I am not ashamed at all. I would guess I've seen it 600 times at least. I don't think there's any 90s kid alive who hasn't seen this film and is still confused as to how they filmed Lindsay Lohan twice. There's not really anything I need to say. Just go watch it and appreciate how brilliant the soundtrack is.
This is a bit of a weird one. I don't think I've ever met anyone else who enjoyed this one. I'm pretty sure it was panned by the critics. Anyway, I love it. It's supposedly a sequel to Dirty Dancing but the only way the two relate is by having some dirty dancing and a few scenes with Patrick Swayze. What a lovely man he was. Anyway this film is pretty much the reason I study Spanish. Maybe because my 10 year old self really fancied Diego Luna. My almost 20 year old self still does. This was really the first time I'd been exposed to a Spanish culture and heard the Spanish language from somewhere other than Dora the Explorer. I love Romola Garai but I don't think she was at her acting best here... she's quite wooden in a lot of the scenes. Diego Luna is fab and I love him. Also again I loved the soundtrack and while I'm not a dancer at all I do like to watch talented people. I kind of recommend this film because I enjoy it but then maybe never watch it because you'll see how terrible my taste in film is. Oops.
A real Spanish film made it to the list! This was the first Spanish film I ever watched, the day I applied to do my Open University Spanish module when I couldn't do the A Level so had to self-teach and the first day I really realised I would be doing Spanish when I got to real uni. It's so weird, I can remember everything about watching this for the first time. How intrigued I was by Spanish culture, how much I loved the language, how envious I was of Penelope Cruz. She is one hot mami. I have since watched several Almodóvar films, studied him and even written an essay for uni on two of them. A comparison of the presentation of women in Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother) and this, Volver. To date it is my highest marked piece of work at university and the one I'm most proud of. Due to the essay I have seen this film countless times and I have read so much about it. And I still love it and would watch it tomorrow. Maybe I will. You should too.
Finally number ten, and we're back with Mr Hanks. The first rom-com on the list! Clearly I'm more into kids films and french cinema than a Hollywood rom-com, who knew? This film is the best. It's set in New York which is enough for me to love it. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan work so well together. It's about the book business. It's about love letters via email! It's so cute! Also it's funny to watch it now with their old computers and dial-up internet, knowing when it was filmed that that was probably as modern as it got and it probably seemed so hi-tech to the audience. It has that classic rom-com formula, where you know the whole time what the ending will be but you follow the story and fall in love with it anyway. It's the best.
So, I hope you enjoyed that glimpse into my film taste! Let me know if you watch any from my recommendations, or if you think I'll enjoy something based on the ones you know I like.
Until next time, hasta luego.
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