2017 has been both a great and difficult year. I carried on working at CEIP Ajei for five more months and honestly the joy and light that working there brought to my life can't really be conveyed in words. Like obviously the kids were frustrating at times and the early starts hurt me in my soul but it was just such a great time in my life and it helped me solidify some ideas about my future. I got to revisit in September and see a few of the kids which was so so so cute. I've actually reapplied for my position in the school for 2018/19 but I'm not sure how likely it is the British Council will place me there again so we'll see. I won't find out until around July so lol please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm also going to apply for a PGCE in the coming months so erm yes hello my name is Katy and I think I want to be a teacher.
I revisited Alicante for a holiday and if you're a long term reader you'll remember the posts full of depression from my time living in ALC. My return trip was just so different. I was back as a happier person, my mental health somewhat under control. A graduate, a more fluent Spanish speaker, more centered in my life and my sense of self and just, more Katy. As silly as it sounds, this poolside holiday was quite life-affirming for me as it helped me realise certain things.
Such as, I'm bisexual! Lol. I'm not sure I mentioned it on here but most of my readers follow me on facebook and insta and twitter soooo yeah I came out this year and that was super cool with how well people reacted.
I dipped my toe more into Tinder this year. I posted that super long post about how a Tinder guy "broke me heart" (lol no) and it actually prompted a lil tinder face from the past to get back in touch which led to a lovely little date lol in Halifax, thanks Ben. Also had a few local dates which were less like dates and more like Netflix and chill and I'm not going into detail but yes I'd like some more dates PLEASE AND THANKS.
I started my MA at Durham in October. Durham is so different to UEA in so many ways and I will not lie, at times I hate Durham. Some of the teaching styles and pointless lecture topics definitely aren't worth the money charged. It doesn't help that I live miles away and had to get the bastard train in every day in semester one. In semester two I'm only in two days a week so that will hopefully make me feel better about life. I'm also not really on board with the collegey stuff because I'm in a very traditional (read, wankery) college and it's not really my scene. Made some lovely Hatfield pals who I'd like to see more of in the new year please! Also mega mega shout out to my MATeS babes. The giggles we have make up for how shite the lectures are. I planned a lovely little tapas night out for us which was super chill but lush and I would like to repeat that too.
I have a part time / full time job in a lovely office with lovely people who have been so accommodating with my uni schedule and have treated me so nicely and I can't thank my CRS pals enough for being so good to me.
An obvious 2017 highlight was getting our little Monty. I'm not sure I've mentioned it here but we got a puppy at the start of December. Monty is a 12 week old baby rottweiler and I know they get a bad rep and people think rotties are scary but honestly this little sausage is not scary at all. I mean yes, he has sharp nippy little teeth and if he gets them into you they hurt but he's not a scary looking dog. He's daft and likes plastic bottles and smelling things. He doesn't like cuddles because body heat makes him too warm. He's stupid and can't see his cage but he's clever enough to pull those puppy eyes on you to get what he wants. He's just started going out for walks and I've never known a sniffer like it. We have to drag him along because he's busy sniffing every single blade of grass. He's difficult and exhausting and smelly and as yet not toilet trained but my goodness do I love him and I don't remember life without him.

I went to a nice little collection of concerts this year: Bruno Mars, Robbie Williams' dress rehearsal, Robbie Williams in Edinburgh, almost Adele (oops), Harry Styles and Little Mix. Next year I already have a few booked - Harry Styles again, Niall Horan and SHANIA BLOODY TWAIN. She's been on the list for so long and I'm so excited.
I lost two of my great uncles this year which was super super sad and the first time I've experienced death close to me. I spent a lot of time with friends and family but feel the need to do it even more. I gave blood three times this year which is something that I'm really proud of.
I was diagnosed with PCOS this year. PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome, which essentially means I have irregular (and sometimes v painful) periods, have more body hair than normal, difficulty losing weight and bad skin. All of that is super fun but honestly, being brave enough to talk about it, actually having a doctor recognise this and then give me a diagnosis is something I've needed for a long time. Next year I'm having the coil fitted to help try and regulate my system so maybe I'll talk about that on here, tune in for TMI!
I've had ups and downs with my mental health this year which I'm starting to accept is something that's going to happen every year of my life. It's silly to think I can be 100% happy 100% all of the time but I'm trying to take steps to help myself. I applied for therapy this year but what they offered me wasn't great. It was a CBT course via an app but honestly it was more like AS level psychology which I've already done and didn't help me much. I've reapplied and hopefully will start something different in the new year.
As is customary, let's have a look at last year's NY resolutions and see how I did.
This was me telling myself to love myself and take selfies and put myself first and yeah pals, I did this one. I love me.
Other than a couple of slips, I did this too. It's pretty essential because I can notice a difference if I miss like two days worth so I gotta do it. I have an app that reminds me to do this every day and I'd say it was pretty bloody successful.
Aw guys I did not do this. I did not do this at all. I am going to do this in 2018.
I think I've done better with this? I mean I actually have worked for most of this year and have managed to pay off my parents a bit but I have a lot more to do in terms of saving and being wise with my money.
Again, I think I did this. I haven't been amazing but I'm getting better. Must work harder next year, both at work and at uni. She says currently skiving from uni work to write this post.
I bloody well smashed this one my friends. We're at 46! I would have liked to have gotten to 50 before the end of the year but I just haven't had enough time to finish the books I'm currently reading. Maybe next year!
Nah mate. This is so easy but I just didn't do it.
Lol no. I went back to Alicante?? Plane tickets are expensive and I'm just not arsed about travelling.
YAAAAAAASSSS KWEENZ I done did this one! Make up is just so much fun. I now have lots of eyeshadow palettes and have learnt to do my eyebrows and have actual brushes and this is a new fun hobby that I like playing with.
This was such a vague resolution but I did improve my Spanish a lot, particularly my speaking. My favourite class at Durham is where we actually translate and I think I've been doing quite well. I've read quite a bit and listened to a lot of Spanish/latin music. I think next year I need to watch more films.
So 2017, 7/10 isn't bad! I'm quite proud of what I managed to achieve. These are what I have planned for 2018.
My brain is my main focus for 2018. It has to be. I want to get back into meditation and start proper helpful therapy and just treat myself better.
I mean, I gotta start running again. I just have to. If I end 2018 not being able to run 5k I'm gonna be so mad.
This is the year. Even if I don't pass my test, I want to start lessons this year and become an actual adult.
4) SAVE £1,000
This should be doable. If I keep working where I work and actually be good with my money it should be easy. But I am me and I like spending money so we'll see. I plan to save all my £5 notes and £2 coins so hopefully that'll happen and next year I can post a picture of a very full piggy bank.
I mean I'm aiming for a distinction because always aim high, but either way I just want to be happy with what I achieve in my MA.
Given how much busier I'm going to be next year (without 6 months living in paradise) I don't think I'll hit 50. I'd like to beat this year but I'm giving myself a realistic target. As a 6.5, I'd like 5 of those books to be Spanish.
Pretty self explanatory, I'd like to publish something on here every month.
Yep, putting it here means it's real. I'm giving up coke again. The first three months of this year I didn't have any but because I didn't have it online I didn't really feel accountable anywhere. It's going to be hard because disaronno is my favourite drink and it goes best with coke so I might have to have it as a mixer sometimes. No sober coke though. That's the plan.
Oh my goodness. I can't tell you how much I need to see my UEA pals. I haven't seen anyone since graduation and my heart HURTS. Pals, make plans with me. Come up here, invite me to you, make me book train tickets and plane tickets and bus tickets. I gotta see you losers.
I normally like to have 10 resolutions but I think because I just made that 30 before 30 list which is full of fun things, my 2018 resolutions are more serious. I dunno. Wish me luck!
2017 you were good to me. I turned 23 and feel a lot like an adult which is minging and scary but nice. I wish you all the best year 2018 can possibly be for you. Lotsa love x
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