Thursday, 31 December 2015


Yep. I'm being that person. Returning to blogging just to write about new years. Do I give a shiny shit? Nope. It's basically so I can write a bit more than Facebook/Twitter/Instagram allows. Nobody wants to read a 500 word Facebook status.

2015 has been a very very important year for me. Let's be honest, the most important. The best and the worst. The first half of the year was the second chunk of my year abroad in Alicante which was way more successful than the first semester. I mean, listing all the things I did that semester make it seem like one of the most fun times of my life: doing couch to 5k and actually succeeding in running 5k, visiting the Oceanografic in Valencia and seeing the beluga whales up close, travelling to Barcelona, my new favourite city ever, to see the magnificent Robbie Williams, flying home to visit pals and Ben Howard and Radio 1's Big Weekend to see the delightful James Bay and Princess Tay Tay, and of course actually getting somewhat successful at speaking Spanish. That was pretty good. However, despite all that fun stuff, I was actually going through the worst period of time when it comes to my mental health. Mate, it was bloody hard having a mental breakdown in another country, I tell ya. 

2015 feels like the year of mental health. Maybe just because I went looking for it so my social media feeds are full of advice and support but it really does feel like this year the whole world started paying attention. I am so glad I finally got the help I needed, I genuinely don't regret it for a second. It's been nothing but up since I acknowledged the problem. I'm not saying I'm "cured" or anything daft like that because I do still have down days they happen much less frequently. I know what my triggers are and am taking steps to eradicate them. When I have a bad day I know that I just have to let it happen and not be mad, and the best bit is that the people around me see that too. Communicating these issues make everything so much easier. 

Over the summer there was more exciting stuff like the last night of the Take That tour in Newcastle, a trip to Lanzarote, endless family fun and just enjoyment of the North. I also got my first professional massage at the Malmaison and oh good lord was that the best day ever. We saw the Weeping Window of poppies at Woodhorn Colliery and then went to the filming of Chris Ramsey's DVD extra show 'Offermation' which was excellent.

September finally saw my return to UEA and the start of the Fortress and the LCS reunion and I cannot even explain how fun that first week back at uni was. The outpouring of love and cuddles and giggles and just pure joy that came from seeing everyone together for the first time in 18 months was amazing. I have nothing but love for UEA and LCS.

The Fortress is my new flat which I share with my beautiful beautiful friends Georgia and Christie. I basically forced myself upon them and they said yes because I like to do the dishes. Thank God. 

This was our first outing. Yes, we're massive weirdos. No, I wouldn't change it for the world. Everything is weird. 
So many things happened this first semester of uni. A visit to the Harry Potter studios and Banham Zoo, dying my hair pink and getting a new piercing, buying tickets to James Bay, discovering the Altered Feast Cabaret at the Birdcage, perusing the cocktail menu at Mr Postle's Apothecary (and Cuba de Revolución) (and Vodka Revs) (and wherever else we can find), dodgy films at cinéclub telling the story of the man with the giant monobrow, winning a bet against Gianni (wooooooooo), LCS parties = the worst hangovers imaginable, Simba, Stitch and Earl, essays about sad whales, Geordies and Grey's Anatomy, a trip home to see One Direction BLOODY TWICE, a whole load of glitter, £40 on Chinese food, dinosaur feasts with Cameron, snow in November, paper sharks, LCS Glitter & Gold, writing an article for a Spanish magazine, and just a whole lot of love. I loved semester 1 and it's genuinely been one of the happiest times of my life. I imagine next year will be even better. 

My 2015 resolutions included things like: read 30 books, watch 25 films that pass the bechdel test, grow my hair out so there's no blonde left, save money, buy a new macbook, go to the doctors, instagram #100happydays, take more selfies, walk at least once a week. I did pretty well - I read 21 books, I watched 96 films this year and over half of them passed the bechdel test, my hair is pretty much all brown now (where it isn't pink), I am still skint but that's because I did indeed buy my new macbook, I WENT TO THE DOCTORS WOO GO ME, I completed the #100happydays challenge, took way more selfies and started running. Not bad, KB.

I instagrammed my 2016 resolutions so I will insert that here for you, loves.

A photo posted by katybaines (@katybaines) on

I'm really hoping to do well with these. They seem both challenging and realistic at the same time. Well, maybe not the GNR but you gotta have a goal. I really do need to get back into running though. I'm really bad for not eating breakfast unless it's Chinese from the night before so I'm gonna put a lot of effort into that. My Spanish is pretty good now but I still haven't read an entire novel in Spanish so that's the goal. I want to read 24 books, which is 2 per month. Pretty doable. 100 films should be fine given I got to 96 this year and I didn't include when I watched Harry Potter for the 7th time that year... I want to complete Frank Sinatra's filmography because the man is a dream and old films are great. I always love having a clear out. Bullet journalling is a new concept I've found, video here. I really really need to save some money because I'm sick of being skint. I've discovered I bottle quite a lot which I never realised before (thanks Christie for pointing that out) so I'm gonna attempt to do that less. I want to get back into blogging because it helped me out loads whilst on my YA. I want to give blood and get at least one of the tattoos I'm planning. Vegetables with every meal is so easy but I never do it. Reading poetry is good for the soul, driving lessons will mean I can get a job at the airport and I am once again addicted to Coke so I'm once again giving it up. Fab.

I wish all of you the very best for 2016. Whether you're a new years cynic who thinks resolutions are stupid, or are a true believer in 'New Year, New Me', this year can and will be excellent. Even though there will be no new One Direction album :( For me at least, there's a new Robbie Williams album coming out, I'm going to see James Bay, my Mam and Howie are getting married and then we're off to Florida. I AM GRADUATING AHHHHHH.

A massive thank you for all the love sent my way in 2015. It's been really fucking hard so I really do appreciate anyone who's ever sent support my way this year. You're all stars and I love everything.

Peace out and I will see you cats on the flip flop lateeeeeeeeeer.

Hasta luego

Bye now

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