Friday, 13 February 2015


Semester 2 has begun! 3 week down, 13 to go. So so ridiculous that we're over halfway through the year abroad and we only have four months left. Makes all the worrying I did in semester one seem a bit pointless but hey ho, we live and learn. I knew all throughout last year I'd regret the sadness and anxiety and overwhelming desire to go home so I'm not beating myself up about it. Onwards and upwards!

After multiple timetabling issues and class changes and whinging about my Erasmus co-ordinator, I think everything is finalised. This could all change though. I am taking:
  • General Direct Translation: English-Spanish
  • Introduction to Spanish for Translation
  • General Linguistics
  • Major Figures in English Literature
  • Linguistics applied to teaching English
I've not actually been in a class for that last one yet so hopefully it will be okay. Direct translation is exactly the same as last term so I'm not worried. Intro to Spanish is linguistics type stuff but the class is full of Erasmus so none of us are experts which is gr8. General Linguistics is taught in English by a guy who can't speak English very well so at times is quite painful but seems easy. Major figures was meant to be taught in English but the españoles taking the module don't speak English very well so it's in Spanish but that's fine. 

I was kicked out of Spanish-English translation because I'm a native speaker which was understandable but also mean. I wanted to take literary translation since that's a field I potentially want to go into but it clashed with everything so it was a no go. I tried Current Latin American literature which was a 4th year class analysing poetry and within 10 minutes I knew I had to get out. I sent many an angry and then grovelly email to my coordinator and he probably hates me but yolo. 

Since this year doesn't count and none of my marks go to my degree I really don't care about passing, I'd just prefer to sit through bearable classes instead of anxiety inducing ones. I now have all my marks back from last term! Erasmus Spanish course, 95%, Spanish-English translation, 90%, Literature and Cinema in English Speaking countries, 80%, English-Spanish translation, 50%, Rules & Uses, 40%. Buzzin. 

I'm very conscious of the fact that this semester will pass by very quickly and given I already know of like 20 days where I'll be in England, I want to make the most of Spain whilst I'm still here. I have now booked my flights to Barcelona (!!!) to see Robbie Williams (!!!) with my beautiful pal Georgia (!!!) and I am so so so excited. I also convinced Chelsea to fly back with me after I go home for Ben Howard so I will have my first English visitor in April and I can't wait for that! It will hopefully be sunny by then and I will just skip all my classes and have a beachy holiday, soz UA. 
Other things I wanna do include: go to Valencia and visit the aquarium, go to Benidorm (you can't live in Alicante for a year and not go to Benidorm), see a film in Spanish at the cinema, & try out the other tram lines. I'm really not the adventurous Erasmus type. I'm just not that bothered about visiting loads of places, not whilst I'm skint anyway. I am a beach gal and that is how it shall stay. 

How crazy is it that in 120 days I will be going home forever? There have definitely been times this year that I have absolutely hated it but walking along the seafront this evening got me thinking about how much I love being so near the beach and how much this year has changed me. My Spanish has improved so much; I'm not fluent but I can understand a whole day of lectures all in Spanish and survive an all Spanish conversation for two hours to do translation group work. This year has both strengthened and weakened friendships, however the ones that changed are all the ones I predicted in my head so it's okay. I don't know if it's 2015 or Spain which has spurred my life change/running stuff but either way I will always affiliate the beginning of my running "journey///" with Alicante. Living abroad is a massive deal, to me at least. It's hard but I've made it this far, the rest will be a breeze. Not really sure how I'm gonna cope with las chicas alicantinas though. Really unfair that they all live all over the place. We'll just have to reconvene in Spain, lasses.

I think that's enough for today, I'm going back to watching Live at Knebworth, wishing you all a happy Robbie Williams day.
Until next time, hasta luego.

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