I've been back in Spain, what, four(?) weeks now and can honestly say they've been some of my happiest weeks. It's not that anything that amazing has happened, it's just a long time in a very very long time I've felt consistently happy for a long period of time.
I think the sun helps. It's still cold but being outside when it's nice and bright makes a hell of a difference to the grey skies of the UK. I'm very much looking forward to the warm weather that Spain is famous for - I think that should be March-April time? It'll be nice not to have to wear a blanket around the house and not get hypothermia when I put my feet in the sea. I want it to feel like the warm Mediterranean and not the North Sea.
Running also helps. It's really annoying because people always told me running was good for you and I ignored them because I didn't think I could do it but I can. I know it works because I had a few days last week where I felt really really really bad due to stuff out of my control back home and it all fell on top of me and I was sad for two days but then I went for a run and it all changed. My mind was cleared and the fresh air was amazing and the pride of finishing the run made me feel so much better. I know I am in no way "good" at running but it gives me half an hour where I think of nothing. Not being homesick or worried or stressed or bored for half an hour is such a blessing.
I think though that the fact I have been so consistently happy for so long made those two low days worse. I stopped writing this post here a week ago and this weekend have felt a bit shitty. The contrast between happy and not happy is very noticeable. It's not that I'm sad I just feel like nothing. I am too tired to feel happy or sad or angry or homesick. I just can't be bothered. I think it's just hormonal though. I've had a little solo weekend without anyone around and it's been nice but I don't think I should do it again. I have fab pals here so I should see them instead of sleeping all weekend.
Here's to this little dip in mood being over and to starting the week in a good place. It will be my first week on timetable where I (should hopefully) actually go to all of the classes that I'm allowed to go to. Who knows. When I started writing this post a week ago I fully intended it to be dead positive about how I'm happy in Spain and bla bla but finishing it whilst in a less than stellar mood kind of ruins that. Oh well, it's only my brother that reads this anyway!
Hasta luego
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