I know I posted about the BBC Top 100 Challenge but I'm not really a classics reader and would love some recommendations, so I thought I'd roll this in with my top 10 books. If you could recommend any new ones based on these, preferably ones with ebooks I can get for free - poor student and that - I'd love you forever! Well, at least a day.
When I was little I read like if I didn't read the book within a day it would disappear, sometimes reading multiple books in a day and would always be reading something. Obviously growing older means progressing through school and being given more work to do. I don't think I read for leisure at all through my A Levels. Even when I got to uni and had so much spare time I just forgot about reading. I kind of got back into it in second year but even then it took me weeks to finish one thing. Is this what it means to be an adult?
I think this is my all time favourite. If you've never seen it or only ever seen the film I urge you to read it because as wonderful as Rachel McAdams is, the film really doesn't do the book justice. I really love the switching narrative, between characters and times in the story - it can be a bit confusing at first, having the story change and trying to figure out the different ages etc but it's definitely unique and a really interesting way to tell the story. UGH this book is so good. I want to read it again now.
One I read just recently, although I did also attempt to read it last year on holiday. This definitely isn't holiday reading. It's very dense and heavy and quite draining to read actually. Not one for the faint hearted, even just given the subject material - Kevin has just committed an awful crime and the book is a discussion by his mother about whether her parenting made him 'evil'. The way the narrative takes you is so clever and the ending reveals so many secrets. I'm so glad I powered through the second time around because it's such a good read. My favourite thing is an unreliable narrator and Eva certainly is one. Also the film adaptation definitely wasn't what I was expecting but it was so well done I think. It definitely captured the essence of the characters.
Another one I just read recently. Like I mentioned, unreliable narrators are my favourite and books centred around mental illness usually provide one. The narrator Matt is a young schizophrenic wracked with guilt. I found this one to be very similar to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, narration wise. I don't remember why I picked it up, I think it was just something I picked up in Waterstones and had to have. I do that far too often.
Everyone NEEDS to read this book. Seriously. I forbid you to read anything else on this list until you've read this. It is ESSENTIAL. I've only just got into feminism but if this book had been around earlier I would definitely have understood more. Sexism is everywhere and this book shows you that. I recommend it to everyone, but especially men. You need to see how harmful society is/can be/is.
This is the first book that ever made me cry. I usually have a heart of stone but I sat and read all of this in the bath (the water went cold) and I sobbed for ages. This is so good. I don't usually read historical fiction, like set during a certain time, but I thought this was amazing. Plus the holocaust/ww2 Germany is such an interesting yet heartbreaking thing to learn about. This was good to see the negative effect it had upon Germany itself. Death as the narrator which is such an interesting concept for a novel. I'm not sure there are any people left who haven't read this but if that's you, please go now.
The second non-fiction of the list. Torey Hayden is a special needs teacher/psychologist and this is the story of Sheila, a little girl who'd been abandoned by her mother and neglected and verbally abused on a daily basis by her father, leaving her disturbed, disruptive and unfit for a normal school environment. I really enjoy psychological books and I've also read Hayden's other non-fiction. Whilst the subject matter is upsetting, it's really interesting to hear these stories, and very uplifting to see how one person can change someone's life.
I think I picked this up in the airport WHSmith last year just before we boarded the plane. Once again, a bit of an unreliable narrator. Sensing a pattern yet? I'll admit the second half of this is a lot better than the second, with the introduction of old man Mr Peterson, but even so I really enjoyed this.
Bit of an odd one, not like the others! This is the first book in Goodkind's 'Sword of Truth' fantasy series and I've only read the first two but they're really good. I found out about the series because it was adapted into a TV show called 'Legend of the Seeker' which I only started watching because Craig Horner is soooo beautiful, but when the show was cancelled after two seasons I turned to the book and really enjoyed it. If you're looking for a new fantasy series, I recommend this one!
One of the few books I read AFTER seeing the film. I didn't watch the film for so long after is was released (mistake number one, it's soooo good) and I didn't even know it was adapted from a book. I found it in a second hand book shop in Lanzarote and have since read it every time I'm out there. The film is really good but the book definitely edges it. The film is so faithful though! This is a really good exploration of racism (and also sexism I think) and I just love it.
I discovered this book in the summer of 2009, before Rob had even announced his comeback. I was obviously a Robbie fan before but this took it up 57857943 notches. It is incredible. Obviously as a Rob fan, a two year insight into his life and his mind is going to be amazing but as a piece of journalism and an exploration of the effects of fame, it is just so good. So many people will refuse to read it just because it's about Robbie Williams but I think it's essential reading, even just for those trying to get into the business. If you don't believe me, read this article. The article isn't even nice about Rob but I don't care, it's the book I'm reviewing now and not the man. Just read it. It might even make you a Robbie fan. It should do. UGH IT'S JUST PHENOMENAL AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND JUST GO READ IT NOW PLEASE.
So that's it. No soppy romantic books or 'chick-lit' (ugh I hate that name) in here. Half were written by women though, well done me. Anyway, I recommend you read all of these because they're fab. If you've read any similar and think I'd enjoy it please let me know! Don't want to be stuck reading classics forever. Currently trying Pride and Prejudice and the writing is so stuffy, I hate it. All my literature teachers would hate me.
Until next time, hasta luego.
Oohh I love finding out what people read. :D This looks like a pretty well rounded list which is brilliant--I tend to read the same genres. I have difficulties reading classics too, I've failed to finish at least 5 of them in the past year or so. Ha.
ReplyDeleteI'll take you up on the Everyday Sexism and find myself a copy sometime.
Lately, I've been enjoying Flannie Flagg's books, I'm not sure if her books are in the same category as any of your top 10, but her writing style also changes narratives and times regularly which I enjoy too.
I think you might enjoy (probably the wrong use of word here) Sickened by Julia Gregory and The Room by Emma Donoghue. Both books are similar to One Child, in a sense that they both revolve around children who did not have a normal childhood due to abuse and/or mental illness.
(I don't know if you can get them on Kindle for free though! I found most of them in my local library :3)
Thanks for such a lengthy comment, Sheila! It's so nice to know people actually read this haha. Everyday Sexism is so good, if you don't manage to find a copy before Japan I'll lend you mine when we get back next year!
DeleteI'd never heard of Fannie Flagg so I'll go look her up a bit now. I actually have Room by Donoghue on my Kindle already but haven't read it! I'll go look for Sickened. It's so strange to 'enjoy' mental illness fiction but I find it so interesting.
Today I bought 'The Girl with All the Gifts' by M R Carey which looks amazing, will let you know if it's any good!
Ohh yes please! We're bound to bump into each other in 4th year so I'll bug you about the book then. :p
DeleteI just read the blurb for The Girl With all the gifts. Oh dear. :(