My train left Newcastle at 7:30AM on Thursday which was ridiculously early but it was that at £20 or any time later at £80. I don't think I'm going to miss either the price or the awful journey but that's for another day! I arrived in Norwich at 12:15 and went for a Nando's with James which was lovely! Apparently he couldn't understand what I was saying because my strong strong Geordie accent had come back, oops. James was actually late to picking me up (terrible boy) so to make up for it he gave me one of my birthday presents early - it's a lovely little cuddly bunny wearing a UEA hoody. There are bunnies all over our campus so it'll be so nice to have a little reminder of UEA when I'm in Spain.
Aw how cute are we? Such lovely pals with such lovely Nando's and such a lovely bunny. Happy happy.
Then we went back to have a look at their new house (without me waaaah) and chilled there for a while, and had a walk around the lake on campus for the last time in a while. This weekend was full of walking. We went back to the house to just chill and catch up. I downed two lucozades so was a bit hyper when Cameron arrived at half 10. It was amazing to see him again. Not that it wasn't seeing James! But we've been in constant contact since I left whereas Cameron is less keen on a three hour conversation every day. Being back with the boys was the best and so we ended up staying up til 3 in the morning. Aw I miss it already.
Friday morning I woke up early, like 7. I was pretty tired haha. Cameron forgot to bring his trainers with him and so his only shoes for the weekend were his fancy work shoes. As much as I would have loved him to look ridiculous all weekend for my comedic benefit, he wasn't too keen on the idea so he decided to drag me around town for three hours looking for shoes. He ended up with £3 Primark plimsolls. I did say it was a weekend full of walking! It was lush though. We always joke on that we have nothing in common but really that boy is one of my favourite people ever and I will not let him not be my friend ever. Need to stop otherwise I'll cry!
The rest of Friday saw the return of Chelsea and Beth and the arrival of James' friend Sonny! James went from being alone in the house for two weeks to having five of us there to make all sorts of mess and noise, oopsy. I think he enjoyed it. As I picked Friday to be my fake birthday, we went to Nando's again because I'm a lass with cheap taste haha. Just can't go wrong! Later on we ordered Indian takeaway and my lovely pals gave me some cracking birthday gifts including a Moleskine notebook which I'm going to turn into my travel journal, a glittery photo frame, a Newcastle magnet, a signed photo of the incredibly talented Daddy Yankee and a book of Haiku poetry. They're the best.
On Saturday we were back in town! The boys went to the Norwich - Watford game while me and Beth finally got to see the Inbetweeners 2, which I really enjoyed. Certain points of the movie we could definitely relate to people we know which made it even more funny. Afterwards we had a meal at Frankie and Benny's and went home to watch Blue's concert DVD. I love Blue so much and I imagine if I were at their show I would love it but I think just watching it via DVD doesn't work, sorry boys. (As if they would read my blog hahaha).
Sunday was James' actual birthday so we headed out early to buy stuff for breakfast for him, and also to buy BBQ ingredients for later on. Breakfast was a resounding success and we decided to go to the union bar so James could watch the Liverpool - Southampton match but got there and found it closed. We decided to try failsafe Irish pub Delaney's. Which was also shut. Total nightmare. We ended up in a bar called The Doghouse which was probably the quietest bar I've ever been in. The match was playing with no sound, the two couples already in there were silent and they were playing Jack Johnson. The boys were happy with the football and I was happy with my vodka and I think my constant chatter drove those two silent couples from the pub. I am shocking.
With James happy with the score we set off in search of a pool table. Beth and I shared a pitcher of Pimm's at Spoons before heading to the Mischief where I was loving life surrounded by Geordie men watching the game against Man City and pints of Skittles and my lovely lovely pals.

We went home to give James his presents and do the BBQ which seemed to be a great success. I got to light it because everyone knows I love matches. I think that's about as hardcore as I get. I said goodbye to Chelsea then watched Beth and the boys play Fifa and had a look back through the scrapbook they made me when I moved out.
Monday I just felt sick the whole time because I knew it was coming to the end but since we had a bit of time we decided to go for a game of mini golf. Before summer we'd made a list of activities to do before second year ended and I think mini golf was the only one we missed. I had a shocker of a game, one hole I couldn't even do and finished 20 points clear of everyone else. Obviously Cameron won. The boy makes me sick.
Sonny's leg brace and pink ball obviously gave him the advantage and me choosing the golden ball and wearing my hood like Gandalf did me no favours. Such great action shots. I love mini golf even though I'm rubbish.
We went home to pack everything up and then drove Sonny to the station as he was the first to leave. He's a very lovely chap and I'm so glad he didn't leave when he saw how weird we all are together. We went and got a KFC for Cameron and then I had to say goodbye to him. I don't even want to remember it, I was so sad and couldn't stop the tears, I was so soppy and felt so pathetic. Up until then I don't think I'd really realised I was genuinely leaving. Saying goodbye to a best friend and not knowing where or when you'll see them next is awful but I know that we really are true friends and our friendship is one of those that can be picked up and resumed at any point in the future, no matter how long its been and be fine. I need to stop because the tears are in my eyes again just writing about it.
It was another three hours before my train so Beth, James and I went to Spoons for lunch. I ended up having a double vodka with mine to try and stop the tears and the nerves. The time both dragged and flew by and before I knew it we were back in the station waiting to do it all over again. Beth and James stayed with me in the station for about half an hour and I'd kept calm and composed but when we eventually did the goodbyes the same thing as before happened. Tears everywhere. They walked out of the station and I walked onto the platform and I think that's probably been the hardest part of this whole process so far. I was crying on the platform for legit 20 more minutes, I was a total mess. Luckily it wasn't a northern train station or I would have had loads of people asking if I was alright.
Obviously I was sad to be leaving but I genuinely cannot wait for Spain. It's just hard knowing that I'm off to do this by myself while they all get to stay together, and by the time I get back they'll be gone. It's the fear of missing out I suppose. I had two wonderful years living with my best friends and I just feel so lucky to have been placed with them by that computer in year one, and for them to actually agree to living with me in second year. Not many people would take on the challenge of living with a sarcastic northerner but this lot made me so happy. From the endless number of inside jokes we have (I mean endless) to 'cooking with Katy and Cameron' to the compilation of the blackmail folder, I feel like I've truly found my best friends and it pains me so much to leave them.
Guys, you're all lush and my door will always be open to you, whether that be Alicante this year, Norwich next year, at home in the north or wherever I end up after graduating. I'm taking you with me on my year abroad, either in my heart or spiritually or because I've stolen your house keys. Thank you for giving me the best weekend and the fabbiest fake birthday anyone's ever had. Don't forget me x

No more friends.
I'm kidding. Love you x
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