Sunday, 31 December 2017


I'm such a basic blogger because the only post you can ever count on coming from me is a wrap up at New Years. Even though I have two essays due for my MA, 19 days in which to write them and 0 words written so far. Oops. Get back to me with a guilt trip tomorrow please. 

Wednesday, 20 December 2017


I've seen a few of my fave youtubers posting these lists recently and I'm all for lists and goals so here we go, welcome to the 30 things I want to achieve before I'm 30. At 23 and a bit I think I'm leaving myself a decent amount of time; I have 349 weeks to achieve them so wish me luck and also help me if you can lol. I imagine these will change in their level of importance as I get older but having them written down will also show my growth so that's cool too. Yay for goals.