Just wanted to say thank you for the phenomenal response to my last post, it's since become one of my most read ever which is so lovely.
Today I'm just writing a little catch up on the resolutions I made at new year. We're now 1/3 of the way through 2017 which blows my tiny mind so it seemed like the perfect time to check in and see how well I may or may not be doing with them. Let's gooooooo
So I outlined this one as taking more selfies and making more time for myself and all that bla. Well pals, I'm definitely on the selfie train. Every so often I get urges to speak to people I stopped talking to and to explain why and apologise and all that and then I stop and remember that I don't need to feel guilty. Friendships do stop and last the time they're meant to and one in particularly basically just triggered me to heck and bringing that back into my life is not necessary. I wish them the best of luck and all the happiness in the world but I cannot be involved in that. I'm having a really good year and I'm feeling okay mental health wise the majority of the time and honestly the lack of a constant social circle over here means I do spend a lot of time with just myself and I'm getting to be very okay with that. I like me and I'm having a nice time.
Yaaaaaaaasss QWEEN chica has done this every single day since the start of 2017 and it's great. I have my medication review over the summer when I get home and I'm thinking of changing it for certain personal reasons but I'm dead proud of myself for not self-sabotaging and actually taking my lovely little happy pills. I mean it helps that my Granda puts them out for me every day and makes sure I take them as well so cheers Bri.
Lol I'm still terrible and haven't started this back up again. At the minute I'm blaming it on how hot it is out here and that I'd probably faint and die. I swear down I want to be able to run a 10k by December. Whether it happens or not remains to be seen but 5k is a MUST. Please send me reminders on twitter.
Getting there! I started the year owing my parents and grandparents and certain pals so much money and now I'm down to a couple of hundred so I'm buzzing. Just gotta make sure I get a job when I go back to England else I'll be back on the dole which is just the worst because doing nothing all day makes me feel terrible MH wise.
I think this one is going strong! I still love school (and only have 19 days left actually working waaaaa) and I do extra things like reading to the kids and translating exams and staying extra hours and stuff. I've decided to start revising certain stuff for Durham so that's going too. Signed up for job agencies over Easter so I'm on the road to getting work over summer. Productivity is great pals.
Hahahaha no sweat on this one, as we stand on 30/04 I've read 29 and will probably finish #30 (Umami by Laia Jufresa) in the next couple of days. Loving life.
This one's still going, the problem is I just haven't been watching many films and when I do, they're ones I've seen so many times before. Like, the last film I watched was The Princess Diaries (2001). C'mon KB. On my list right now I'm desperate to watch Moonlight (STILL) and Neruda so hopefully I'll dedicate some time soon.
Lol still haven't gone anywhere. Once I get money I'm 100% gonna visit pals (Antonio, Lucía, Georgia, looking at you). I'm back on pinterest and am clamming to get myself to Andalucía, it just looks stunning.
Kind of getting there with this one! I've invested in three maybelline eyeshadow palettes and I love 'em. Also I have an eye primer from Flormar which is gorgeous and works really well. Eyeliner still fabulous as ever. I get many compliments from my adorable kids at school which is ever encouraging. However I think they'd love me and say I looked guapa if I wore a balaclava to school.
Lol the vaguest resolution of all time. Basically I just wanted to celebrate my love for Spanish and keep improving my language ability and I think that's going well. I've read two novels written in Spanish and have just finished an article for UEA's Spanish magazine La Taberna that I'm really proud of, that was like 1500 words and I think it was well written. Of course my lovely friend Pablo looked over and corrected it for me and made me sound super clever, the angel that he is. I'm trying to text my pals more in Spanish and speak to more of the teachers at school. One said to me the other day, "Katy, I didn't realise you spoke Spanish this well. You're properly fluent!" and oh mates, that's just the best. That and when taxi drivers mistake you for a native. UGH MY HEART.
So that's it! By the looks of things, everything is going quite well??? RESOLUTIONS AREN'T MEANT TO WORK. What is this madness.
Basically I just need to start running, start saving money as well as just being responsible-ish and get myself over to Spain. All sounds good (and do-able to me!)
Gonna up my book challenge to 40 - I've only got a month left in Lanzarote and once I get home I'll probably have less time to read so let's be realistic.
Also I'd like to give blood at least two more times before the year is out. My next appointment is mid-July so as long as I don't get any tattoos or piercings after like... August, I should be good to give again! Giving blood is one of the best things you can do and I'm just really passionate about it so go go go, give your blood away!
Anyway, well done, me. I'm dead proud!!
Let me know how you're doing with yours, if you set any!
All the love,
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