Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Soooooo last week I wrote a post detailing all the things I miss about the UK because it would be two months until I go back. Haha oops, so I might have lied. About seven weeks ago I bought myself a Ryanair flight to Stansted and conveniently didn't tell my friends I'd be showing up on their doorstep and sleeping on their sofa for a weekend.

I'm not really sure how but myself and my super secret spy pal Chelsea managed to keep this secret for six whole weeks. IT WAS SO DIFFICULT. Admittedly my timing wasn't great because everyone had plans and no time to change them because I hadn't told them I'd be arriving, but it was still beaut.

I flew on Thursday afternoon, which was fab because that could have been Robbie presale day and if I hadn't got Rob tickets I might not have gone (haha I'm awful) but I got them on Wednesday and all was fine. My flight was fine. I mean Ryanair aren't my favourite airline but you get what you paid for. I got into Stansted at half 5 and tried to use the e-passport scanner but it didn't work and I looked like a total fool. I got sent round to the manual/loser queue and the guy at the desk looked at my passport and went in a northern accent, "Ashington? That's Northumberland!" - Yes pal, I'm quite aware. He was confused as to why I hadn't flown into Newcastle so I ended up explaining my whole life story and how I'm such a jetsetter. I had booked to get on the 7:30 train but I couldn't be bothered to wait an hour so just sneakily got on the next one heading in Norwich's direction and nobody cared.

I can't explain how sick I felt on my train from Ely to Norwich. It was so silly but I thought my pals would either not be bothered by my return or even worse, tell me to piss off. Oh how little faith I have in them. Chelsea picked me up at the train station and she hugged me and I pretty much didn't let go haha oops. Soz Chels. Then we got to their house and I went up to Cameron's room and Chelsea delivered the chocolate she'd bought him and then she delivered me. Hahaha. The look of confusion on his face was so funny. Then she brought James upstairs because there was 'a surprise' for him and I'm not even kidding, he was so shocked he may have fell down the stairs. So funny. I felt so sick I was shaking but it was so good to have the secret out and be back with my homies. Beth wasn't home yet but Beth is such a busy chica that I was back in Norwich for about 4-5 hours before I even saw her! Before that we just chilled and caught up and went to big Tesco and then Cameron and I did our traditional teeth-brushing together which was fab. Then Beth got home and she was also very shocked, I'm so bad hahaha. 

On Friday I went up to campus with Chelsea and went for a walk around the beautiful UEA lake and I went in the JPC and almost cried because it was empty and rubbish without my pals. We had lunch in the bar with James and his pal Simon and then walked home to watch Love Actually because I'm going to miss the Christmas build up. Then we went out to get chips from the Grosvenor fish bar and see the Fireworks being let off at Norwich Castle which was so so good and I'm so happy I got to do fireworks. 

On Saturday I went shopping for new jeans and stationery and Gregg's. And then I got sad and nostalgic about how much I love and miss Norwich. Like I knew I missed my pals and UEA but I didn't realise how attached I am to the city of Norwich. It's so lush and it hurts my heart knowing I'm not there. James and I then watched the Liverpool-Chelsea game (super fun) and went for a walk and ended up in the Fat Cat pub then met Chelsea and Cameron at Nandooooooos. It's silly though because being in Norwich always makes me lose my appetite so I couldn't even finish the butterfly chicken I'd been craving for two months.

On Sunday I actually got the train back up to Newcastle because I didn't want to be alone in my pals' house without my pals and then sleep in Stansted airport (again, bad planning on my part) so I had to say goodbye again which was even harder than the first time I did it. Except, no tears! Well done me. And also Chelsea, since she's soppier than me. Whilst on the train I was thinking about how many times I've done the NRW-NCL train route and it's ridiculous. I don't want it to end up the same for the ALC-NCL plane route but I feel like it might. I just love the toon. I got back at about 4pm and was reunited with all my famalam and also some of my southern family who'd come up to help my Grandma move house! So that was a lovely surprise. I got home home and had my fave Chinese takeaway and sat on an actual comfortable sofa with a big fluffy blanket with the heating on which was amazing. Sleeping in a real double bed was soooo good.

It really was a whistle-stop visit home, I only had about 24 hours in the North. It was so worth it though. I never ever thought I'd be so homesick and not enjoy Spain but I just feel right when I'm back home. Having to get on the plane back here was really hard on Monday. It did help that I'd somehow ended up with Speedy Boarding (something I think is ridiculous but won't turn down if it's free) and was the first on the plane so that was beaut. I got home too late to go to my seminar on Monday which meant I'd essentially missed a whole week of uni. And then yesterday I skipped my lecture. And today I skipped my seminar. Knowing that none of this crap actually counts is making it very difficult for me to care!

However tomorrow and Friday I will be attending all of my classes and me and Torrie can welcome back Sarah to España and watch Children in Need on Friday night and all will be okay. This week marks us being 25% through the year abroad which is very helpful to know. However all I can think about is UEA. It doesn't help that I'm poor and couldn't buy Take That tickets this morning because their dates don't match up with mine :(

Good things though! I read Gone Girl on all my planes/trains this weekend, which I enjoyed a lot. I have less than 50 days until I can drink Coke again. I've been listening to the leak of One Direction's FOUR which I am loving so much. They are potentially touring the UK at the end of 2015 and I WILL BE GOING GOD DAMN IT. Remember those Robbie Williams Barcelona tickets I bought? My beaut lovely pal Georgia has agreed to come with me (cos my Mam doesn't want to fly over) so a trip to Barca with a bezzie will be fab. We're gonna make t-shirts and everything. I'm catching up (ish) on my work so that's good! It's not even 6 weeks til we're home for Christmas which is fab. I'm currently watching 'How the Grinch stole Christmas' which is making me very happy. Today is my 3 year anniversary of Gary Barlow tweeting me for the first time! I caught up on Grey's Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder. I made €0.49 chicken soup out of a packet and it wasn't awful. So many positives!

Enjoy this selection of photos, I'm off to bed.
Norwich pals, thanks for having me on such short notice, I love yous even if you are weird, come visit me in Alicante.

Until next time, hasta luego.
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