On Friday afternoon Georgia arrived and we forced her into attending a lecture with us, such terrible pals. Then we went to collect Stefano and Gemma from the station and went straight to an Indian restaurant down on the front with my pal Sarah (who I write about all the time) and Francesca's friend Ana, who's actually from Alicante and whose parents live on our street and help us out a lot!
We came home and chilled and it was just so nice to catch up and relax and giggle and just oh man, best best best feeling to be reunited with pals after five months or something silly like that. On Saturday we raided Alcampo for food and alcohol. I bought 'alcohol based spirit' for €4. I do not recommend. Then we spent the afternoon on the beach and it was so relaxed and lush. Then we went out for tea, at a little Italian place, the name of which I've forgotten but the pizza I had was nice so that's all that matters. We came home and tried to drink the vodka based spirit and just had a giggle. Best pals.
On Sunday we climbed the castle then went to 100 montaditos (aka my fave place) and then Georgia, Stefano and I went for a walk and got churros which were lovely but too much after 19/100 montaditos. Then we had to take Stefano and Gemma back to the train station which was awful :( Come back pals. On Sunday night we just chilled and chatted and giggled. Chilling and chatting and giggling was basically the whole weekend, which is perfect for me. I'm so glad we all go to UEA and that we're all pals and not even Spain can stop that.
On Monday Georgia didn't leave until 3pm ish so we spent the hours before chilling on the balcony and then sat on the beach where we buried my leg in sand and then out for lunch where we saw a multi-coloured pigeon and then sat in the station before a totes emosh goodbye.
I'm not gonna dwell on the sadness of missing them because we will be reunited soon enough and in September we start our final year together which will be lush. Pals, I love yous and yous are so welcome to come back. A message to the rest of LCS (and also anyone else who might want to): COME VISIT US IN ALICANTEEEEEE. Showing off my favourite bits actually made me appreciate how lucky we are here... the beach isn't even five minutes away, the weather is great, the castle is nice. Gonna end this post with some photos cos they're cute.

Aw what I wouldn't give to do it all again now.
Until next time, hasta luego.
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