This weekend has been a bit of a whirlwind - Saturday we had a BBQ which definitely wasn't for my birthday or leaving, but basically all of my family came around, my family which has extended somewhat in the last couple of months. I won't get into it but it's been so nice getting to know a new side of our ever growing family, and to find that they've slotted in as if they were always there. I like to think of it as a modern family, a jigsaw made of different pieces which shouldn't go together but do. On Sunday I turned 20 and had another family day, including a trip to the quayside and as usual, an Indian restaurant for tea.
This morning we actually started packing. I don't think we've ever packed more than 24 hours in advance! As my family are coming with me, we booked 3 suitcases between 5 of us, meaning I actually had loads of room to pack things. My stuff actually ended up fitting in just 2 of them so I've ended up bringing one of my blankets just to make it feel like home. I genuinely sound like a baby bringing my blanky but that really isn't it!
I had intended on writing a post on what I'd be bringing with me but that's gone to pot... Basically I have pretty much all of my clothes (excluding wintery stuff), some lined notebooks because I've heard they're not available in Europe, lots of toiletries, and soy sauce. I am ridiculous. No doubt I'll only need 1/4 of it, but oh well.
I am so tired at the minute. I haven't really slept properly all weekend and since my flight is at 6:30AM tomorrow I won't really be sleeping tonight. I feel sick and nervous and anxious but that's to be expected. I think I'm ready. Ready as I'll ever be, anyway.
Tears are inevitable. I've already had some today... My grandparents rang me and about halfway into the call I just couldn't speak and ended up having a breakdown. I think I was just overtired and I hadn't eaten and the enormity of the whole thing just hit me then. I'm so soppy and pathetic.
I don't know. I think I just wanted to write that it had happened because I've read quite a few year abroad blogs in my time and not many people actually wrote about crying. Maybe they're not as soppy as me but I hope someone reading this heading out on their year abroad knows I did it too. However, I have been known to cry at the most ridiculous things. Like 'This Morning' winning a National Television Award so I might just be an anomaly...
It's probably going to be way easier to worry about stuff whilst I'm there. The countdown to this has made me nervous and once I'm there I'll actually be with people who can help and give me answers (whether good or bad) instead of me wondering 'what if'. It'll be fine! Oh man.
Anyway, the next time I write on here will be from Spain, let's just hope I make it there! I am ridiculously excited and deathly petrified and all the emotions on the spectrum in between but I know I'll be fine and if I'm not then it's only a year. Totally fine.
Until next time, hasta luego.
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